2020: Creating A Healthy Future
The goNewHavengo 2020 Campaign is a two year (2019/2020) organizing, outreach, and education effort to create significant reductions in transportation greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and improve public health. The campaign will involve local and state government, universities, businesses, and community organizations and result in greater awareness of negative impacts of car pollution and the opportunities to improve health and save money related to choosing to use healthier transportation options.
Reduce SOV (single occupancy vehicle) use and specifically cut GHG emissions by 20% by end of 2020.
Educate public about the urgent need to cut transportation GHG emissions and also the local public health benefits of alternative transportation.
Educate the public about the range of transportation options available in New Haven region.
Engage organizations and businesses in 2020 Campaign.

Make the Move!
Have Car Free days each week.
Buy less GHG intense vehicle.
Car pool.
Switch mode ...bus, train, walk, bike.
Combine trips,
Reduce car use...Pea Pod etc.
Buy Carbon offsets.
Check here for more resources....