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  • How do I navigate New Haven, and beyond? "
    We recommend downloading the Transit App which works for New Haven and all of Connecticut. It’s an easy way to find a car free commute from wherever you are, at whatever time you need to leave! You can also use goNewHavengo’s bike and bus map, or have CTrides help you with a your personalized commute plan.
  • How can I get my groceries and large items home?
    It's defintely more difficult to carry a lot while walking or biking, but don't let that stop you! Here are some of our suggestions: 1) Find easier ways to carry things home, such as insulated grocery totes, a bike rack with a bungee net, a bike basket, or a cargo bike trailer.You can also use this guide to help you find the best portable grocery cart for you. 2) Shop more often for fewer groceries at a time, and always be prepared to shop! Bring a shopping back or backpack wherever you go so that you’re never unprepared. 3) If you’re over the age of 60, you might qualify for home delivered meals here. 4) If not, you can get home delivered groceries with services like Stop and Shop’s Peapod or Instacart 5) For larger items, we would suggest renting a zipcar, taking an uber or lyft, or asking a friend to borrow their car.
  • What if there is an emergency and I need to get home immediately?
    You can use CTrides Emergency Ride Home program, which is available for any commuter who uses the express buses or trains with a Monthly Pass. It’s also available to those who carpool, vanpool, and bike if their employer signs up for the ERH program. You can also use an uber or lyft at any time of the day or night!
  • What if I don’t know how to use the bus?
    For helpful information on taking the bus, go to our bus section on our resources page. If you’ve never used the bus before, CTrides offers a free 10-trip passes for commuters who want to try commuting sustainably.
  • How can I feel safe going car-free if I have kids?
    Did you know that riding the bus is 60 times safer than driving a car? You can learn more about safety on our safety page. We also recommend you check out our parents resources section which is sure to make life as a car-free family easier.
  • How can I live car-free if I have a disability?
    There are many helpful resources available in New Haven to make living car-free easier for people with limited personal mobility or other disabilities. Go to our paratransit section on our resources page for more information.
  • I feel unsafe biking; what tips do I need to know?
    We will have a complete safety resource guide, coming soon! For now, consider using this Smart Cycling Handbook for New Haven to help you ride safely. For more information go to the biking section on our resources page.
  • What if I want to take a trip out of New Haven?
    There are plenty of ways to get out of New Haven without a car, including taking a train, or an intercity bus. If public transit can't get you where you need to go, consider renting a zipcar or taking an uber or lyft for the day. Renting a car a few times a year is sure to be less expensive than permanently owning one.
  • Will not owning a car hurt my social life?
    Not at all! In fact, we hope that a car-free life will allow you to be even more involved in your community. Using public transit and shopping at local businesses might help you meet new people, and become connected with the city of New Haven. If you need to take a taxi or uber a few times a week, it's still less expensive than owning a car!
  • What if I need to go to the airport?
    No problem! Here are some solutions for airports near New Haven! Tweed Airport: The G2 bus line will bring you right to the airport! Bradley Airport: Take the NewHaven/Hartford Express Bus or the Megabus to Hartford’s Union Station, then the Bradley Flyer to the airport. La Guardia, JFK, and Newark: You can use either the GO Airport Shuttle or CT Limo. Westchester: You can use the GO Airport Shuttle.
  • How can I live car-free in bad weather?
    We get it; during a New Haven winter you'd rather be in your heated car than on a bike. But it's not as difficult as you might expect! All you need is to dress right for the weather, bring a spare pair of clothes, and maybe an umbrella! Read about the experiences of one car-free citizen here.
  • Will it take me more time to get places without a car?
    If you need to get somewhere under 3 miles away, biking is almost always faster than driving. Think about the amount of time you spend sitting in traffic or looking for parking. Not to mention that if you take public transit, you can use that time to read a book or do work, a much more productive use of your time! In addition, think about the time you spend each day paying for your car! The average person spends $24 a day on their car, which could be up to 3 hours of work depending on your salary.
  • How do I get started?
    Great question! Use our car-free guide and email us at if you have any questions.
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